Because of 9/11 when the two mighty towers of the world trade centre that towered New York collapsed, people in the western world now have prejudices against Arabs and Muslims. There is no reason as the 9/11 attacks had nothing to do with them and the subsequent actions are probally just feeble retaliations.
Lets look at the Arabs first.
All of the Arabs were immigrants into the US. Neither of them had any experience flying a plane, yet alone a commercial airliner. None of them had a very good understanding of the English language nor could they speak fluently to a level people could understand. So how did this group of men cause the worlds most tragic terror attacks the world has ever seen? They didn't. How would they have been able to fly a plane for a few hundred miles without any prior experience, read the dials and controls or order the pilot to fly a different course if they couldn't understand English.
Next lets look at the planes

So 4 planes were hijacked on that fateful day but only 2 hit the 'target'. One crashed in Philadelphia. We believe that the people on board knew too much about what was going on so they were deliberately killed off. This is a similar theory to the ones about man never being to the moon, so NASA killed off two of its crews so they wouldn't leak any info. Also air-traffic control would have noticed something was up when the aircraft changed their path massively. The pilots would have tried to contact someone, and then the air force would have been deployed in order to try to stop the threat, but yet the World Trade Centre still fell.
In the next part to this investigation we will be looking at the motive, the president and the buidlings of the World Trade Centre.
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