I am going to start this post with a quote from Adolf Hitler.
"Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death."
He used false terrorism in order to restore patriotism in the German people and secure his power. The US Government did a similar thing with the 9/11 attacks.
The Pentagon
It is claimed that an airliner crashed into The Pentagon and penetrated it. This claim is completely false. In the photos shown of what is 'supposed' to be the airliner there is no debris that is recognizable as an airliner. It is suggested that a missile was fired at The Pentagon, and this is the theory which I believe.
If you Google photos of the 'crash site' you can't see any wings, tail, fuselage or anything that you would expect if a plane had just ploughed through a building. Also the damage is limited to only a small area, if a passenger aircraft was going in excess of 500MPH and hit glass and concrete then it would have done exponentially more damage due to the sudden deceleration. The US government fired a cruise missile at it's own building, and if you were a terrorist, wouldn't you hit the White House and take out the man in charge?
World Trade Centre
We all know that 2 planes plowed into both towers. But was it enough to bring them down?
Contrary to belief, the floors of the World Trade Centre were not designed to 'pancake'. They were also fitted with viscoelastic dampers which would help keep the towers steady in the strongest of winds. The force of the planes hitting each tower would have been less energy than that of a very strong wind, but more concentrated. This would have made the structure unstable and possibly weakend it from the floor of impact up. The lower floors would still be stable. So why did it come down?
Explosives were used to bring down both the towers and the buildings around the world trade centre. This was because the US government thought that killing 2500 civilians and blaming it on Al-Qeuda so they could go on the hunt for oil.
Weapons of Mass Destruction
Everyone knows that the war in Iraq was started in order to find WMD's that Saddam Hussein was apparently stockpiling. As expected, jack all was found except lots of oil! If you had nuclear weapons and you wanted to start a war, why not launch a nuclear weapon to the heart of the most populated city in the US to show that you meant business? Oh wait, that's right, you don't have any and you didn't start the war! The US only invaded Iraq to secure oil and bring down Saddam as they saw him as a threat to their regime in the fact that he knew the truth!

A blog to bring to light Illuminati Conspiracies that we have seen and noticed after reading news reports, putting together clues and looking at other sources. On this blog you will find our theories and ideas towards what might happen on 2012 and events which have already happened! Subjects involve money, 9/11 and Walt Disney pictures! You will find out the horrible and shocking truth behind all of these all on this one website!
Thursday, 12 April 2012
Monday, 12 September 2011
Evidence 9/11 was planned and staged by the US government part 1
9/11 was the biggest lie ever told in order for America to secure more resources.
Because of 9/11 when the two mighty towers of the world trade centre that towered New York collapsed, people in the western world now have prejudices against Arabs and Muslims. There is no reason as the 9/11 attacks had nothing to do with them and the subsequent actions are probally just feeble retaliations.
Lets look at the Arabs first.
All of the Arabs were immigrants into the US. Neither of them had any experience flying a plane, yet alone a commercial airliner. None of them had a very good understanding of the English language nor could they speak fluently to a level people could understand. So how did this group of men cause the worlds most tragic terror attacks the world has ever seen? They didn't. How would they have been able to fly a plane for a few hundred miles without any prior experience, read the dials and controls or order the pilot to fly a different course if they couldn't understand English.
Next lets look at the planes
So 4 planes were hijacked on that fateful day but only 2 hit the 'target'. One crashed in Philadelphia. We believe that the people on board knew too much about what was going on so they were deliberately killed off. This is a similar theory to the ones about man never being to the moon, so NASA killed off two of its crews so they wouldn't leak any info. Also air-traffic control would have noticed something was up when the aircraft changed their path massively. The pilots would have tried to contact someone, and then the air force would have been deployed in order to try to stop the threat, but yet the World Trade Centre still fell.
In the next part to this investigation we will be looking at the motive, the president and the buidlings of the World Trade Centre.
Because of 9/11 when the two mighty towers of the world trade centre that towered New York collapsed, people in the western world now have prejudices against Arabs and Muslims. There is no reason as the 9/11 attacks had nothing to do with them and the subsequent actions are probally just feeble retaliations.
Lets look at the Arabs first.
All of the Arabs were immigrants into the US. Neither of them had any experience flying a plane, yet alone a commercial airliner. None of them had a very good understanding of the English language nor could they speak fluently to a level people could understand. So how did this group of men cause the worlds most tragic terror attacks the world has ever seen? They didn't. How would they have been able to fly a plane for a few hundred miles without any prior experience, read the dials and controls or order the pilot to fly a different course if they couldn't understand English.
Next lets look at the planes

So 4 planes were hijacked on that fateful day but only 2 hit the 'target'. One crashed in Philadelphia. We believe that the people on board knew too much about what was going on so they were deliberately killed off. This is a similar theory to the ones about man never being to the moon, so NASA killed off two of its crews so they wouldn't leak any info. Also air-traffic control would have noticed something was up when the aircraft changed their path massively. The pilots would have tried to contact someone, and then the air force would have been deployed in order to try to stop the threat, but yet the World Trade Centre still fell.
In the next part to this investigation we will be looking at the motive, the president and the buidlings of the World Trade Centre.
Monday, 20 June 2011
National Lottery Fixtures
People think that fixtures only apply to the world cup and football tournaments between two teams who are going to play one another. Little do they know, the £1 they payed for a few hours before the kick-off is being used to fund the New World Order. Lets take a look at their logo, in it we can find three sixes, the number of the beast!
The National Lottery has also been investigated when the balls were released from a machine when no one had pushed the 'release button' LIVE! So where does the money go from the loser? Some if it goes into funding projects but the majority, especially of the EuroMillions, goes to funding the New World Order.
How do we know this? The amount of people that buy a ticket for £2 in the case of the EuroMillions means a jackpot of £114 million only requires 67 million people to buy one ticket. Thats more that the population of the UK! So when there ate 7 European countries and the majority of the population buys a ticket the rest of the money funds the New World Order!
The odds of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 all coming up at once is the same as any combination so why don't they? Because the numbers have already been chosen. This means that it is unfair and means they get more money as more people loose week on week. When a big jackpot does turn up for £114 million, there are over 30000 winning tickets that only get £50 quid each if they are lucky! (Maths is not accurate)

How do we know this? The amount of people that buy a ticket for £2 in the case of the EuroMillions means a jackpot of £114 million only requires 67 million people to buy one ticket. Thats more that the population of the UK! So when there ate 7 European countries and the majority of the population buys a ticket the rest of the money funds the New World Order!
The odds of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 all coming up at once is the same as any combination so why don't they? Because the numbers have already been chosen. This means that it is unfair and means they get more money as more people loose week on week. When a big jackpot does turn up for £114 million, there are over 30000 winning tickets that only get £50 quid each if they are lucky! (Maths is not accurate)
Saturday, 18 June 2011
Michael Jackson Murder Mysteries!
Michael Jackson sadly passed away in June 2009. As the King of Pop and the Greatest Entertainer who ever lived, he achieved a lot. He made the best selling album of all time, helped battle racism and raised a family.
His looks may not have been the best and he had a twisted past but he was still good at what he did. But was his death natural? Is there something that the authorities aren't telling us? We aim to find out and to do that, we have to go back into his past!
Child Sex Claims
In 2004 some children accused the star of molestring them when they stayed round his house years before. We don't believe that he did anything wrong although he was childish. We think this was a stage by the Illuminati to warn him what they would do to him if he leaked the information they didn't want the public to know. They put the kids up to say he touched them in places no man should, just to get money out of him and show him what they could do. He then would pay them in order to stay alive.
His Death
Michael Jackson died suddenly of a 'heart attack' and his doctor tried to save him. We don't believe this. We believe he was killed because he knew stuff that the government didn't want him to know! From this the government has made $1.5 Billion since his death with only a fraction going to his family.
A lot of people believe that Jacko's doctor was involved and we do too. Of anyone would be able to give him an overdose or slip him something without any suspicious paper trail it would be him.
Jacko's fingerprints were found on a syringe under his bed. This is the one that the doctor may have used to inject him.
Many sources say he was dead before he reached the hospital but one source said he was still alive. He was 50 and addicted to prescription drugs but to this day junkies and heavy drinkers don't just drop like he did, there has to be another explanation. A planned fool proof plot to take down one of the world's biggest stars, excuted with presicion and expert skill leaving no trace behind.
We may never know how he died but what we do know is that money being milked out of his fans will be used to fund the New World Order for years to come!

Child Sex Claims
In 2004 some children accused the star of molestring them when they stayed round his house years before. We don't believe that he did anything wrong although he was childish. We think this was a stage by the Illuminati to warn him what they would do to him if he leaked the information they didn't want the public to know. They put the kids up to say he touched them in places no man should, just to get money out of him and show him what they could do. He then would pay them in order to stay alive.
His Death
Michael Jackson died suddenly of a 'heart attack' and his doctor tried to save him. We don't believe this. We believe he was killed because he knew stuff that the government didn't want him to know! From this the government has made $1.5 Billion since his death with only a fraction going to his family.
A lot of people believe that Jacko's doctor was involved and we do too. Of anyone would be able to give him an overdose or slip him something without any suspicious paper trail it would be him.
Jacko's fingerprints were found on a syringe under his bed. This is the one that the doctor may have used to inject him.
Many sources say he was dead before he reached the hospital but one source said he was still alive. He was 50 and addicted to prescription drugs but to this day junkies and heavy drinkers don't just drop like he did, there has to be another explanation. A planned fool proof plot to take down one of the world's biggest stars, excuted with presicion and expert skill leaving no trace behind.
We may never know how he died but what we do know is that money being milked out of his fans will be used to fund the New World Order for years to come!
Saturday, 21 May 2011
For those who survived the American's prediction of the apocalypse, and for those who didn't sell their homes and travel the country warning everyone, well done, you are a credit to your nation.
Saturday, 14 May 2011
Not-so Natural Disasters Part 2
So we have seen how Natural Disasters occur naturally, but can they be manufactured or triggered?
To explain this, I am going to use two recent examples:
My theory on Japan is that a nuclear bomb was used to trigger the earthquake and tsunami. The sheer amount of energy released would cause such a powerful country to fall to it's knees.
I believe this video shows the light given off at the moment that the two nuclear fuel cells are fired into one another. That would cause such a bright glow of that intensity. Some say that it is geological discharge or a transformer blowing up but if it was why does it last for such a long time? Both would be just like lightning and light up the sky for a fraction of a second, that's why i think it is some kind of nuclear device. Althought the date is after the quake, what's to say that it is not from a survivor found 3 weeks later or was hidden from the press by the Illuminati until a bit later on so no-one could suspect a thing.
Another reason i think it was a nuclear blast is because the tsunami would have dispersed the radiation all over the Eastern seaboard of Japan. The leaks at the nuclear plant would have made the nuclear fallout undetectable. This may sound ridiculous but it is logical and would hide the real cause of the quake.
As we know the Illuminati have been controlling the world's population with several different methods. One of them is natural disasters. The famines in Africa is thought to be down to the work of HAARP.
As we know Haiti is one of the poorest country's in the planet. 90% of the people living there live on £1.50 ($2) a day! In that case, why not cause a disaster there that would wipe out a few hundred and then leave the long-term affects to kill off the rest? The most deadly part of an earthquake, tsunami, volcanic eruption any natural disasters are the long term affects.
An earthquake of this scale would leave any country, with any level of experience or wealth in ruin just like the Japan earthquake did.
So don't believe that all natural disaster are natural!
Here are 3 examples to prove they aren't.
If HAARP is doing this, and there is a lot of evidence to prove they are, where will they strike next? Will you be on the receiving end of a man-made earthquake?
To explain this, I am going to use two recent examples:
- Japan 11th March 2011
- Haiti 10th July 2011

I believe this video shows the light given off at the moment that the two nuclear fuel cells are fired into one another. That would cause such a bright glow of that intensity. Some say that it is geological discharge or a transformer blowing up but if it was why does it last for such a long time? Both would be just like lightning and light up the sky for a fraction of a second, that's why i think it is some kind of nuclear device. Althought the date is after the quake, what's to say that it is not from a survivor found 3 weeks later or was hidden from the press by the Illuminati until a bit later on so no-one could suspect a thing.


As we know Haiti is one of the poorest country's in the planet. 90% of the people living there live on £1.50 ($2) a day! In that case, why not cause a disaster there that would wipe out a few hundred and then leave the long-term affects to kill off the rest? The most deadly part of an earthquake, tsunami, volcanic eruption any natural disasters are the long term affects.
An earthquake of this scale would leave any country, with any level of experience or wealth in ruin just like the Japan earthquake did.
So don't believe that all natural disaster are natural!
Here are 3 examples to prove they aren't.
- Spain 11/05/11
- Japan 11/03/11
- Haiti 10/07/10
If HAARP is doing this, and there is a lot of evidence to prove they are, where will they strike next? Will you be on the receiving end of a man-made earthquake?
Most people who look up to the sky at anytime time during the day, wonder at the trails that are left behind by aircraft. Some are just normal trails left behind by condensation over the wings or exhaust fumes (Contrails). But some harber a dangerous heavy metal, Barium. It has been found that water from chem trails is high in Barium.

Chemtrails, what are they? Chemtrails are trails left behind by some aircraft. They are sprayed out of the sides and are actually chemical or biological agents rather than condensation seen by most aircraft.
So What is Barium?
Barium is an element. It is in Group 2 and the 1950's Barium production has increased until the 1980's where it has fluctuated but still increased slightly to nearly 8 Million Tonnes a year. Barium is known to suppress the Immune System. It disrupts the activation of T-cells in the body which fight diseases and other pathogens. Other affects include (in high doses) :
So where is the evidence you say?
Well there are 3 tests run by the American Air Force that are related to Chem Trails. These are:
Aircraft have been known to spray substances over the US and UK. The US Airforce and UK Government deny any accusations of Chemtrails, so why do they contain high levels of Barium when contrails are just ice particles?
So are hundreds of air craft fitted like this (see picture above), spraying the atmosphere and us with chemicals we don't even know about? Are they weakening our immune system so that we are more likely to become infected with diseases that are man-made?
We say ... Yes as this is another form of Population Control! To find out more, read our earlier articles.
Coming soon: An article on Contrails and Distrails to show you the differences between them and Chemtrails.

Chemtrails, what are they? Chemtrails are trails left behind by some aircraft. They are sprayed out of the sides and are actually chemical or biological agents rather than condensation seen by most aircraft.
So What is Barium?
Barium is an element. It is in Group 2 and the 1950's Barium production has increased until the 1980's where it has fluctuated but still increased slightly to nearly 8 Million Tonnes a year. Barium is known to suppress the Immune System. It disrupts the activation of T-cells in the body which fight diseases and other pathogens. Other affects include (in high doses) :
- Paralysis
- Tremors
- Weakness
- Cardiac Irregularities
So where is the evidence you say?
Well there are 3 tests run by the American Air Force that are related to Chem Trails. These are:
- Operation Dew - Operation Dew consisted of five separate trials were designed to test the feasibility of maintaining a large aerosol cloud released offshore until it drifted over land, achieving a large area coverage.
- Operation LAC - Operation LAC consisted of an operation which dispersed microscopic Zinc Cadmium Sulfide (ZnCdS) particles over much of the United States. The purpose was to determine the dispersion and geographic range of biological or chemical agents.
- Operation Ranch Hand - During the Vietnam War, America dropped millions of gallons of herbicide and other chemicals over Vietnam.
Aircraft have been known to spray substances over the US and UK. The US Airforce and UK Government deny any accusations of Chemtrails, so why do they contain high levels of Barium when contrails are just ice particles?

We say ... Yes as this is another form of Population Control! To find out more, read our earlier articles.
Coming soon: An article on Contrails and Distrails to show you the differences between them and Chemtrails.
Friday, 22 April 2011
Not-so Natural Disasters Part 1
We all know that natural disasters can be caused naturally, but evidence has shown that they can be man made, Tesla made an earthquake machine in the 19th century, Avalanches can be triggered with explosives and Weather can be influenced by man. We will be covering these points in Part 2. For now we will be explaining how some natural Disasters occur naturally.
Caused by a build up of magma rising up from the mantle. The heat melts through the Earth's Crust and the magma comes to the surface as lava. The volcanoes are built up of layers of ash and lava.
Earthquakes and Tsunamis:
Caused by the release of huge amounts of energy when two or more tectonic plates slide past one another. A magnitude 8 earthquake releases the same amount of energy as 1 billion tons of TNT or 67,000 Hiroshima Bombs. The two plates collide and eventually buckle and 'jump' when they can't take the strain anymore. This releases the energy and it travels through the ground or water to cause an Earthquake or Tsunami.

Earthquakes and Tsunamis:

Population Control 2
In the previous Population Control post we covered AIDS and super bugs and in this post we plan to cover more dangerous infections and diseases that reducing the world's population.
Some believe that STI's are man made, made before the Great War and designed to impact fertility. This would have helped the spread as men slept with any women they could as they were away from home for up to 4 years. Some examples of these are Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. Both impact fertility in humans. Chlamydia can affect both men and women's fertility but Gonorrhea is associated with the infertility of women. This means that the persons infected can no longer breed to produce offspring.
Contraceptives have been introduced into the developing world to help stop the spread STI's. The Illuminati created the STI's but as they don't reduce the population fast enough like AIDs they instead use contraceptives which stop people reproducing all together. Another flaw with most STIs is that they are curable.
Cancer may seem to be natural and may well be. But recent studies have shown that up until the 18th century, Cancer affected less than 1% of the population. Scientists have found that hardly any sufferers can be found in the fossil record and modern record from Neanderthals, Egyptian Mummies and Medieval skeletons. They found an increase in the industrial revolution when man started to work a lot more, from a younger age and exposed themselves to more carcinogens. But some people think it was introduced by man in the early part to mid part of the 18th century as some viruses like the HPV cause cervical cancer.
War is another population control method. It's been around since man first tried to impose his thought and ideology on another. The Illuminati are believed to have been behind the First and Second World Wars. They are expected to trigger the Third World war too to bring down the 'Old World Order'. War can kill millions of people, 60,000 people lost their lives on the first day of the Battle of the Somme during the Great War. Wars don't always kill enough people and that is where biological control comes in.
Some believe that STI's are man made, made before the Great War and designed to impact fertility. This would have helped the spread as men slept with any women they could as they were away from home for up to 4 years. Some examples of these are Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. Both impact fertility in humans. Chlamydia can affect both men and women's fertility but Gonorrhea is associated with the infertility of women. This means that the persons infected can no longer breed to produce offspring.

great war,
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