Michael Jackson sadly passed away in June 2009. As the King of Pop and the Greatest Entertainer who ever lived, he achieved a lot. He made the best selling album of all time, helped battle racism and raised a family.

His looks may not have been the best and he had a twisted past but he was still good at what he did. But was his death natural? Is there something that the authorities aren't telling us? We aim to find out and to do that, we have to go back into his past!
Child Sex ClaimsIn 2004 some children accused the star of molestring them when they stayed round his house years before. We don't believe that he did anything wrong although he was childish. We think this was a stage by the Illuminati to warn him what they would do to him if he leaked the information they didn't want the public to know. They put the kids up to say he touched them in places no man should, just to get money out of him and show him what they could do. He then would pay them in order to stay alive.
His DeathMichael Jackson died suddenly of a 'heart attack' and his doctor tried to save him. We don't believe this. We believe he was killed because he knew stuff that the government didn't want him to know! From this the government has made $1.5 Billion since his death with only a fraction going to his family.
A lot of people believe that Jacko's doctor was involved and we do too. Of anyone would be able to give him an overdose or slip him something without any suspicious paper trail it would be him.
Jacko's fingerprints were found on a syringe under his bed. This is the one that the doctor may have used to inject him.
Many sources say he was dead before he reached the hospital but one source said he was still alive. He was 50 and addicted to prescription drugs but to this day junkies and heavy drinkers don't just drop like he did, there has to be another explanation. A planned fool proof plot to take down one of the world's biggest stars, excuted with presicion and expert skill leaving no trace behind.
We may never know how he died but what we do know is that money being milked out of his fans will be used to fund the New World Order for years to come!