A blog to bring to light Illuminati Conspiracies that we have seen and noticed after reading news reports, putting together clues and looking at other sources. On this blog you will find our theories and ideas towards what might happen on 2012 and events which have already happened! Subjects involve money, 9/11 and Walt Disney pictures! You will find out the horrible and shocking truth behind all of these all on this one website!
Saturday, 21 May 2011
For those who survived the American's prediction of the apocalypse, and for those who didn't sell their homes and travel the country warning everyone, well done, you are a credit to your nation.
Saturday, 14 May 2011
Not-so Natural Disasters Part 2
So we have seen how Natural Disasters occur naturally, but can they be manufactured or triggered?
To explain this, I am going to use two recent examples:
My theory on Japan is that a nuclear bomb was used to trigger the earthquake and tsunami. The sheer amount of energy released would cause such a powerful country to fall to it's knees.
I believe this video shows the light given off at the moment that the two nuclear fuel cells are fired into one another. That would cause such a bright glow of that intensity. Some say that it is geological discharge or a transformer blowing up but if it was why does it last for such a long time? Both would be just like lightning and light up the sky for a fraction of a second, that's why i think it is some kind of nuclear device. Althought the date is after the quake, what's to say that it is not from a survivor found 3 weeks later or was hidden from the press by the Illuminati until a bit later on so no-one could suspect a thing.
Another reason i think it was a nuclear blast is because the tsunami would have dispersed the radiation all over the Eastern seaboard of Japan. The leaks at the nuclear plant would have made the nuclear fallout undetectable. This may sound ridiculous but it is logical and would hide the real cause of the quake.
As we know the Illuminati have been controlling the world's population with several different methods. One of them is natural disasters. The famines in Africa is thought to be down to the work of HAARP.
As we know Haiti is one of the poorest country's in the planet. 90% of the people living there live on £1.50 ($2) a day! In that case, why not cause a disaster there that would wipe out a few hundred and then leave the long-term affects to kill off the rest? The most deadly part of an earthquake, tsunami, volcanic eruption any natural disasters are the long term affects.
An earthquake of this scale would leave any country, with any level of experience or wealth in ruin just like the Japan earthquake did.
So don't believe that all natural disaster are natural!
Here are 3 examples to prove they aren't.
If HAARP is doing this, and there is a lot of evidence to prove they are, where will they strike next? Will you be on the receiving end of a man-made earthquake?
To explain this, I am going to use two recent examples:
- Japan 11th March 2011
- Haiti 10th July 2011

I believe this video shows the light given off at the moment that the two nuclear fuel cells are fired into one another. That would cause such a bright glow of that intensity. Some say that it is geological discharge or a transformer blowing up but if it was why does it last for such a long time? Both would be just like lightning and light up the sky for a fraction of a second, that's why i think it is some kind of nuclear device. Althought the date is after the quake, what's to say that it is not from a survivor found 3 weeks later or was hidden from the press by the Illuminati until a bit later on so no-one could suspect a thing.


As we know Haiti is one of the poorest country's in the planet. 90% of the people living there live on £1.50 ($2) a day! In that case, why not cause a disaster there that would wipe out a few hundred and then leave the long-term affects to kill off the rest? The most deadly part of an earthquake, tsunami, volcanic eruption any natural disasters are the long term affects.
An earthquake of this scale would leave any country, with any level of experience or wealth in ruin just like the Japan earthquake did.
So don't believe that all natural disaster are natural!
Here are 3 examples to prove they aren't.
- Spain 11/05/11
- Japan 11/03/11
- Haiti 10/07/10
If HAARP is doing this, and there is a lot of evidence to prove they are, where will they strike next? Will you be on the receiving end of a man-made earthquake?
Most people who look up to the sky at anytime time during the day, wonder at the trails that are left behind by aircraft. Some are just normal trails left behind by condensation over the wings or exhaust fumes (Contrails). But some harber a dangerous heavy metal, Barium. It has been found that water from chem trails is high in Barium.

Chemtrails, what are they? Chemtrails are trails left behind by some aircraft. They are sprayed out of the sides and are actually chemical or biological agents rather than condensation seen by most aircraft.
So What is Barium?
Barium is an element. It is in Group 2 and the 1950's Barium production has increased until the 1980's where it has fluctuated but still increased slightly to nearly 8 Million Tonnes a year. Barium is known to suppress the Immune System. It disrupts the activation of T-cells in the body which fight diseases and other pathogens. Other affects include (in high doses) :
So where is the evidence you say?
Well there are 3 tests run by the American Air Force that are related to Chem Trails. These are:
Aircraft have been known to spray substances over the US and UK. The US Airforce and UK Government deny any accusations of Chemtrails, so why do they contain high levels of Barium when contrails are just ice particles?
So are hundreds of air craft fitted like this (see picture above), spraying the atmosphere and us with chemicals we don't even know about? Are they weakening our immune system so that we are more likely to become infected with diseases that are man-made?
We say ... Yes as this is another form of Population Control! To find out more, read our earlier articles.
Coming soon: An article on Contrails and Distrails to show you the differences between them and Chemtrails.

Chemtrails, what are they? Chemtrails are trails left behind by some aircraft. They are sprayed out of the sides and are actually chemical or biological agents rather than condensation seen by most aircraft.
So What is Barium?
Barium is an element. It is in Group 2 and the 1950's Barium production has increased until the 1980's where it has fluctuated but still increased slightly to nearly 8 Million Tonnes a year. Barium is known to suppress the Immune System. It disrupts the activation of T-cells in the body which fight diseases and other pathogens. Other affects include (in high doses) :
- Paralysis
- Tremors
- Weakness
- Cardiac Irregularities
So where is the evidence you say?
Well there are 3 tests run by the American Air Force that are related to Chem Trails. These are:
- Operation Dew - Operation Dew consisted of five separate trials were designed to test the feasibility of maintaining a large aerosol cloud released offshore until it drifted over land, achieving a large area coverage.
- Operation LAC - Operation LAC consisted of an operation which dispersed microscopic Zinc Cadmium Sulfide (ZnCdS) particles over much of the United States. The purpose was to determine the dispersion and geographic range of biological or chemical agents.
- Operation Ranch Hand - During the Vietnam War, America dropped millions of gallons of herbicide and other chemicals over Vietnam.
Aircraft have been known to spray substances over the US and UK. The US Airforce and UK Government deny any accusations of Chemtrails, so why do they contain high levels of Barium when contrails are just ice particles?

We say ... Yes as this is another form of Population Control! To find out more, read our earlier articles.
Coming soon: An article on Contrails and Distrails to show you the differences between them and Chemtrails.
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